Wednesday, October 28, 2015


When people ask me if I exercise, I say "not really." And when people ask me if I work I say "not outside the home." Days like today make me re-evaluate my responses.  First of all, I love my #fitbit. I walk about 9 miles everyday. I walk my oldest to school and then I walk my third to school. Then I usually run an errand or clean the house a bit and then I walk my second to school. After that, i go home, clean/organize/do laundry/dishes/ put the baby down for a nap for awhile. Then, guess what I do? I walk back to school and walk the kids home. I walk to and from school at least 4 times a day. Guess what though? That's not exercise. And it's not work. Right?

Today was different though. I also had an orthodontist appointment, a parent teacher conference, an early pick up (it's minimum day), helped a friend with her kids (and she helped me with mine.) After that we came home, went through our ski clothes and I went to the temple. Honestly. Do I work outside the home? "Not really". But I work constantly. Do I exercise? "Not really." I don't go to the gym or get up early to run, as I used to do. However, I walked over 12 miles today. So, do I exercise? I might change my answer to "hell yes I do!" It's funny how we use our defenses to keep us from really appreciating all the hard work we do. I'm grateful for my fitbit that shows me just how active I am on a daily basis.

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