Wednesday, October 28, 2015


When people ask me if I exercise, I say "not really." And when people ask me if I work I say "not outside the home." Days like today make me re-evaluate my responses.  First of all, I love my #fitbit. I walk about 9 miles everyday. I walk my oldest to school and then I walk my third to school. Then I usually run an errand or clean the house a bit and then I walk my second to school. After that, i go home, clean/organize/do laundry/dishes/ put the baby down for a nap for awhile. Then, guess what I do? I walk back to school and walk the kids home. I walk to and from school at least 4 times a day. Guess what though? That's not exercise. And it's not work. Right?

Today was different though. I also had an orthodontist appointment, a parent teacher conference, an early pick up (it's minimum day), helped a friend with her kids (and she helped me with mine.) After that we came home, went through our ski clothes and I went to the temple. Honestly. Do I work outside the home? "Not really". But I work constantly. Do I exercise? "Not really." I don't go to the gym or get up early to run, as I used to do. However, I walked over 12 miles today. So, do I exercise? I might change my answer to "hell yes I do!" It's funny how we use our defenses to keep us from really appreciating all the hard work we do. I'm grateful for my fitbit that shows me just how active I am on a daily basis.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Fitness and Family - 2 of my F's!

Fitness is one of my favorite things. It means a lot to me, actually. I recently had a 23 year old watch the kids for me for a few days. Her comment was "No wonder you look great, you are so active! I don't know how you do it!" And I had another friend tell me "You must be so fit!" I love the idea of this and the values I am instilling in my children.

On a weekly basis, my boys love to golf.
 They ride their bikes to school 5 days a week. That means that I walk to school with Hunter, again with Aspen, and a third time with Landon. Then I walk to school and they ride their bikes home at the end of the day. I end up walking 6-8 miles a day because of it. And I'm always pushing a stroller (or a double!)
 Walking Aspen to school. She likes to walk or run to school. Sometimes we run while holding hands.
 Hunter is psyched to ride his bike home.
 Aspen has dance lessons - her favorite. Next year she will do soccer as well.
 The whole family - 4 kids, 2 dogs and 2 crazy (in love) parents. Some mornings, we all walk.
 Baby yoga. Even the baby gets exercise. She goes to a #MyGym class every Friday with Daddy. She needs structured exercise too!

The boys have soccer, too. I think team sports are important for many more things than just the exercise.  Strategizing, team work, sharing the glory, supporting a team and many more positives come from being part of a team. Landon is quite a soccer star. So proud of him!

 Look at what good role models they are for this little one!
 And here is Mr. Hunter with his cute team.  I'm so proud of how active we are with all of our children. I think fitness is one of the most important things we can teach our kids, and ingraining it in them while they are young is one of the best things we can do. I hope they watch us and learn from our example.  Coming up: skiing, ice skating, tubing and sledding together!